Friday, September 16, 2011

The $2 billion UBS incident: 'Rogue Trader' my ass...

The news that a "rogue trader" (I hate that term – more on that in a moment) has soaked the Swiss banking giant UBS for $2 billion has rocked the international financial community and threatened to drive a stake through any chance Europe had of averting economic disaster. There is much hand-wringing in the financial press today as the UBS incident has reminded the whole world that all of the banks were almost certainly lying their asses off over the last three years, when they all pledged to pull back from risky prop trading.


These marriages have been a disaster. The influx of i-banking types into the once-boring worlds of commercial bank accounts, home mortgages, and consumer credit has helped turn every part of the financial universe into a casino. That’s why I can’t stand the term "rogue trader," which is always tossed out there when some investment-banker asshole loses a billion dollars betting with someone else’s money.

They’re not "rogue" for the simple reason that making insanely irresponsible decisions with other peoples’ money is exactly the job description of a lot of people on Wall Street. Hell, they don’t call these guys "rogue traders" when they make a billion dollars gambling. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. UBS expected to cut jobs as it seeks to save $2.5bn... 
  2. Nick Leeson of Baring Banks infamy talks about the current crisis... 
  3. Lehman Bros head took home $300m!!! 
  4. Bankers and CEOs raping and pillaging the nation...
  5. Wall Street bankers to pocket record-breaking $144 BILLION in pay and bonuses...
  6. How to become a billionaire in a few easy steps...
  7. While they come for our pensions – bank bonuses are back with a bang...
  8. Goldman Sachs pay out $111million in bonuses despite taking billions in bailout money.. 

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