Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nick Leeson of Baring Banks infamy talks about the current crisis...

The world's financial markets remain at the eye of a perfect economic storm. The architects of this almighty financial sell-off? The banks themselves. The markets are in complete disorder, yet they remain unable to solve the situation themselves, and so go looking for a public sector bailout. Risk management, the buzz word of the financial markets since the collapse of Barings Bank in 1995, is clearly an oxymoron.


Who is responsible? Those same bankers that convinced you that another loan was not a bad thing. Those same bankers that convinced every wannabe property developer that they should leverage their portfolio and increase their volume of business. And unquestionably culpable were the investment bankers who wrapped up the sub-prime debt in exotic parcels and visited your offices to sell you this most fantastic investment vehicle. The property market has collapsed and probably still has further to go, the tremors from the sub-prime crises are still being felt, and the combination of the two sees the whole financial system in peril.


For my role in the collapse of Barings I was pursued around the world, and ended up being sentenced to six and half years in a Singaporean jail. Who is going to go after the reckless individuals responsible for this financial catastrophe? Apparently no one. Who is going to bail out the businesses and individuals who are struggling at the moment. The banks? Not a chance, self-preservation is the only thing on their minds at the moment. The rest of us will be left to our own devices.  Full story...

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