Saturday, August 20, 2011

Civil disorder and looting hits Britain, but we have been here before...

THERE have been some sweeping historical claims made in the wake of last week's unrest, with commentators of left and right decrying an unprecedented collapse in moral standards, parenting and discipline among the young. There have been cultural claims too, with calls to blame African-American rap music from broadcast.


These are bold claims, amounting to a thesis that Britain has been wrecked and transformed from a familiar, law-abiding spot to an alien hell hole in just three or four decades. But here is an odd thing, surely: go back precisely three decades and you get to the summer of 1981, scene of some of the nastiest riots in modern British history, when racially charged violence saw tracts of Brixton in south London and Toxteth in Liverpool burn for days.

Seeking guidance, Bagehot decided to go off-line and read some books. From the shelves of the London Library, a gem: "Hooligan: A History of Respectable Fears" a calm and witty history of moral panics that have gripped England over the ages, published in 1982, and written by a Bradford University academic, Geoffrey Pearson (later at Goldsmiths). The book is out of print, so I trust I will be forgiven (not least by Professor Pearson) for quoting from it at length: it is a brilliant survey. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The perfect storm: the riots in England...
  2. 'Britain on edge of civil war' 
  3. The New York Times attacks Cameron's riots response...
  4. Flash mob looting store in Maryland...
  5. "Whites have become blacks."
  6. The sun never sets on the British welfare system...
  7. "Get real, black people! Fight for a cause!"

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