Saturday, October 23, 2010

Berlusconi's Italian farce...

Trying to describe the situation in Italy in the last few weeks, it's difficult to resist the temptation to quote Karl Marx's: "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."

The tragedy: Mussolini, during the last days of the Salò republic, was gradually abandoned to his fate and to his delusions, surrounded only by party ministers and officials who were too deeply involved with the fascist regime and its crimes to have any perspective. Although the party was disintegrating, Mussolini still had a direct and charismatic relationship with the masses and he could even then stir up the crowds in a speech at the Lirico theatre in Milan, where he raved about imaginary counter-attacks. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Reality show murder revelation shocks Italy...
  2. Angry Italians attack Muammar Gaddafi over...
  3. Berlusconi again puts up starlets as election candidates! 
  4. Berlusconi is writing love songs!!!
  5. Berlusconi: I am the best prime minister and the most persecuted man in the history of the world!!!

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