Monday, September 20, 2010

Is there a world beyond the computer and the internet?

I’VE BEEN in a web wilderness for days and it’s like being in a big black hole. For it’s only when you can’t access it that you realise just how big a part the internet plays in how we live our lives.

The technical incapability of our internet service provider (ISP) has, at the time of writing, denied us the capability to conduct the equivalent of eight days’ work – pretty cataclysmic when you’re a computer-based small business.

And what’s made it so much more frustrating is that after days of the provider blaming British Telecom as providers of the broadband hardware that brings the internet into our home-based office, it turns out it was their problem all along. Just as we knew it was from the outset. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Is the Internet ruining our minds?
  2. The postman, the postman can...
  3. US college blocks Facebook in social experiment...
  4. Britain in a hurry to get all citizens online!
  5. The internet users that stay connected ... even during sex!!!
  6. If you're not online these days you're a second-class citizen...

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