Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another child adoption scandal in Britain is being covered up...

Last Monday, I was alerted in quick succession by John Hemming MP and Ian Josephs, who runs the Forced Adoption website, to a shocking new case in which social workers were about to seize a newly born baby for no more reason than their claim that it might be “at risk of emotional abuse”. Just for once, because no court papers had yet been issued, I would be able to report this case in detail, naming names and explaining why it appeared to be yet another appalling miscarriage of justice. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Parents win legal battle to name doctor who accused them of child abuse...
  2. Social services lied and stole my children...
  3. The shameful stories that can’t be told!
  4. The persecution of Maureen Spalek...
  5.  Britain's child grabbing racket that breaks up families...
  6. The worst child abuser in Britain? The State, of course...

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