Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The shameful stories that can’t be told! Child protection or child torture in Britain?

I had been planning this week to write about two sharply contrasting stories which exemplify the way in which much of the child protection system operated by Britain’s social workers has gone horribly off the rails.

The first story, which last week made national headlines, was that of an official report into the mishandling by Birmingham social workers of the tragic case of Kyra Ishaq, the seven-year-old girl starved to death after months of physical abuse by her mother and stepfather, The 160-page report found that, although the girl’s death should have been preventable if the social workers involved had done their job – she weighed only 2st 9lb at her death – no disciplinary action need be taken. More...

Don't miss:

  1. 10-year old girl stolen from mother who tried to protect her from British paedophiles...
  2. The persecution of Maureen Spalek...
  3. Mother flees Britain to prevent State goons from abducting daughter...
  4. The worst child abuser in Britain? The State, of course...
  5. Mother throwing knives at her kids in the 50's!!!

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