Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why does retail want my details? Dealing with nosy Big Brother shops...

What do an ironing board, a haircut and a case of wine have in common? In order to get them, I was expected to hand over information I’d think twice about giving a policeman.

It was on a sunny Friday morning in Majestic Wine Warehouse that my problems began. I’d popped in to replenish our stocks of Côtes de Provence rosé. When I handed over my debit card at the till, the assistant asked for all my details – address, phone number, email, mobile phone – to put on a computer. When I asked why, as I didn’t need credit or to have the stuff delivered, he said it was so I could receive information about Majestic events, plus a copy of the company magazine. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Americans dumping credit cards, returning to good,old cash...
  2. New Delhi police starts booking traffic offenders using Facebook!
  3. We're tracked and watched on the Web, and our secrets being sold...
  4. If you've done nothing wrong, you have everything to worry...
  5. Taxman can use database of ID cards to track our spending habits and bank accounts...

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