Thursday, August 12, 2010

The coming out of the Bilderberg Group...

Recently, I Googled ‘Bilderberg’ and got 2,700,000 hits, a moderately impressive number for one of the key elements in the English-language conspirasphere. [1] Why am I looking at Bilderberg again? Because among those 2.7 million Google hits is the organisation’s own new Website –

In the 1970s, when I first became interested in the Bilderberg Group, the major media accepted the organisation’s request for zero publicity and information was scarce. The first article about it in the UK, by Robert Eringer, didn’t appear until 1976, 22 years after Bilderberg’s foundation. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Lady Gaga and the New World Order...
  2. Bilderberg: sinister with a smile, but don't be fooled...
  3. William Engdahl on the non-elected Bilderberg attendees...
  4. The Orion Conspiracy ... or how they manipulate us.
  5. Whitman: Resist much, obey little...

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