Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Monsanto being investigated by 7 states in US...

At least seven U.S. state attorneys general have allied themselvs in an investigation of whether Monsanto Co., the world's largest seed producer, has abused its market power to lock out competitors and raise prices.

Iowa and Illinois, whose antitrust probes Monsanto disclosed earlier, have joined Ohio, Texas, Virginia and two other states in a working group coordinating the inquiries, according to investigators, farmers and seed dealers. They declined to identify the sixth and seventh states. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Our children will accuse us...
  2. Fury as EU approves GM potato...
  3. Is Monsanto's corn destroying your internal organs?
  4. French court condemns Monsanto for lies about Roundup...
  5. Monsanto farmer suicides in India. Horrendous...
  6. Chickens refuse to eat genetically modified maize!!!
  7. Monsanto, Public Enemy No.1...

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