Friday, December 18, 2009

Anger in Sweden over idea to use dead reindeer as biofuel...

Animal lovers in Sweden were in uproar after an energy company offered to grind up the carcasses of 291 reindeer which drowned after falling through thin ice to make biofuel.

A 3,000-strong herd of the animals were being moved to winter pasture by indigenuous Sami herders across the frozen River Kutjaure in the north of Sweden.

But part way into crossing the river, the lead reindeer turned around and the herd became confused and began running in circles across the ice. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Rabbits being burned to heat up homes in Sweden?
  2. Swedish pig farms flout animal protection laws...
  3. How they kill pigs in Egypt. (Graphic)
  4. Hatchery Horrors: unwanted chicks crushed to death...
  5. This is where your milk, beef and veal may be coming from...

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