Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The world will NOT end in 2012, says NASA...

The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2012, the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors fuelled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.

Sony Pictures's latest big screen offering "2012" arrives in theaters on Friday, with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths backed by the Mayan calendar.

The doomsday scenario revolves claims that the end of time will come as an obscure Planet X -- or Nibiru -- heads toward or collides into Earth.

The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and Internet theorists. More...

Don't miss:

  1. I saw blond aliens at Wiltshire crop circle...
  2. The world will end in 2012? Not a chance...
  3. 2012 is NOT the end of the world, say Mayans...
  4. World to end in 2012! A hoax gone too far?
  5. 2012, debunking an enigmatic year...

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