Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The world will end in 2012? Not a chance...

Skyscrapers crumble to the ground, fiery meteorites smash into Earth and a Tibetan monk cowers as a massive tidal wave swamps his mountain retreat.

It is a vision of the coming apocalypse thrillingly captured in the latest Hollywood blockbuster.

But fears that the world is due to end in December 2012 is just a myth fuelled by internet rumour, according to a leading Nasa scientist.

Dr David Morrison, who runs the space agency's 'Ask an Astrobiologist' service, says he has received more than a thousand emails from those worried that the world is due to end in 2012. More...

Don't miss:

  1. 2012 is NOT the end of the world, say Mayans...
  2. Mayan 'apocalypse' crop circle appears in Wiltshire...
  3. Crop circles and the year 2012...
  4. World to end in 2012! A hoax gone too far?
  5. 2012, debunking an enigmatic year...

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