Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thief in Australia caught ... thanks to a leech!!!

Leeches have long been used in alternative medical practices, but police in Australia have found a new use for the slimy bloodsuckers: catching criminals.

In what is believed to be a world forensic first, blood from a leech which was gathered as evidence in a burglary in Tasmania eight years ago has been used to identify a thief who this week pleaded guilty to aggravated armed robbery.

Forensic officers discovered the leech in the living room of 71-year-old Fay Olson, who had been tied up while her house was robbed of $550 (£310) by two men wearing black hoods and armed with sticks in September, 2001. More...

Don't miss:

  1. A man in China had a leech in his nose for 5 years!!!
  2. Thief in Taiwan falls in love with victim he stabbed...
  3. Thief in Pakistan gets eyebrows shaved off!!!
  4. Webcam alerts wife in Philipines that husband's home in Oklahoma was being burgled!!!

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