Wednesday, July 01, 2009

6 years of solitary confinement and torture for a teen at Guantanamo...

No one seems to know how old Mohammed Jawad was when he was seized by Afghan forces in Kabul six and a half years ago and turned over to American custody. Some reports say he was 14. Some say 16. The Afghan government believes he was 12.

What is not in dispute is that he was no older than an adolescent, and that since his capture he has been tortured and otherwise put through hell. The evidence against him has been discredited. He has tried to commit suicide. But the U.S. won’t let him go. More...

See also:

  1. If they knew the truth, they'd hate us even more...
  2. Abu Ghraib's Lynndie England claims to have 800 more torture photos...
  3. Did Obama block torture photos because they show guards raping children?
  4. Here are some of the torture photos that Obama does not want you to see...
  5. Confessions of a Guantanamo guard...

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