Thursday, May 07, 2009

A campaign of fear about the Taliban grabbing Pakistan's nukes...

We are now in the midst of a full-blown campaign to "roll out the product" for a new war: this time, in Pakistan. Anyone who lived through the run-up to the invasion of Iraq should be able to read the signs -- anyone, that is, who is not blinded by partisan labels, or by the laid-back cool of a media-savvy leader far more presentable than his predecessor.

We noted some of these signs in a long post yesterday and won't belabor them here. But today brings yet another bumper crop of panic buttons and alarm bells from the powers-that-be, with ever-increasing emphasis on the "Taliban kooks with Muslim nukes" theme: one more variation on the old "mushroom clouds rising in American cities" ploy that has worked like a charm for our militarists lo these 60 years or more. More...

See also:

  1. The nuclear black-market in Bulgaria...
  2. A sense of foreboding in Islamabad as the Taliban get nearer...
  3. Pakistan, the Taliban and U.S. involvement...
  4. We must be gullible to keep listening to these scares...
  5. Keeping us in a state of perpetual fear...

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