Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hakani children-buried-alive tape is fake, say Amazon Indians...

A video made with the help of U.S. missionaries and depicting Amazon Indians burying children alive is "faked" and inciting racial hatred, a group campaigning for tribal rights said Thursday.

The short video, "Hakani," has been watched more than 350,000 times on the YouTube video-sharing website.

It depicts scenes of Indians in an isolated forest village digging graves and burying several live children in them. The "Hakani" campaign also has a website and a group on networking site Facebook with more than 13,000 members.

London-based Survival International said in a statement the film is "faked, that the earth covering the children's faces is actually chocolate cake, and that the film's claim that infanticide among Brazilian Indians is widespread is false."

"People are being taught to hate Indians, even wish them dead," said Survival's director, Stephen Corry. More...

Watch the video here...

See also:

  1. The 'lost' tribe that wasn't that lost...
  2. Delhi's disappearing children. Who cares about the poor, anyway?
  3. Tanzania's missing girls...


  1. They're not indians

  2. How could you prove that the video is fake? Its seems they want to cover the fact they are doing brutal to the children. My opinion is to observed the place, checked the leadership in that area. Please saved the lives of the children. Protect those children. Please investigate this video. The video is real!!!!What if do reverse. Instead of children buried alive, let the adult ones buried them too so they feel the same.. Exercise the rights of the children, they have the right to live, and fulfilled their dreams in this world. Punished who made mistakes...

  3. What worse place??? Its seem I want to shout and save the life of the children. Please make action to this video...Punished the Guy on the Video...

  4. punished who made mistakes.....stop this stupid culture and tradition...please make an action of this matter....

  5. It is hard for parents to see that their children burried alive.If they escape their obligation not in that way.There are many ways to control their population.

  6. "There is an under-current that would have you believe this is not happening in the Amazon."
    There is another under-current that would have you believe that no Human sacrifice ever occurred in pre-Columbus America.

    "The people supporting this practice are ones to watch and may be mass murderers themselves."
    Agreed. Those are the very same ones that say Spanish colonizers should have left the Indians alone and not interfere with their children-killing "traditions".

    An estimated 200.000 Indians were sacrificed every year, one in 5 Mexica children was brutally murdered by having their hearts ripped out while still alive.

    As the author says, "Regardless of the cultural norms and sensitivities, it should be the obligation of Brazil and other nations to end this horrible practice"
    That's the way Spanish colonizers felt 500 years ago and today they are seen not as the people who put an end to that horrendous practice, but as the people who oppressed and destroyed the "honourable" traditions of the "pacific" and "friendly" Indians.

  7. No matter who you are,you could not possibnly enjoy such a culture even amongst your own tribe.It is not normal to post nor do such evil things to anyone let alone a helpless child.Even if it is not real why in heaven's name would you even want to scare those children ;like that for the sake of a video they will never forget the trauma of it.And to say that the dirt was cake HA! yeah right who sent them a recipe for that???What a waste of ingredients that would be to them.COME ON GET REAL!!This is an outrage i feel sick.


  9. what an EVIL ACT!!!!NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE SOMEONE'S LIFE except for GOD!!! saying your one of the them, the tribe don't want your child, will you let them bury your child alive? Yeah the tribe have their rights to do anything just for the sake of their so called tradition, but the children have the right to LIVE..


  11. The video was a re-enactment of real does happen...research, Brazil is only now starting to consider helping these children,....they covered/protected it because they felt it was the Indians culture/business.
    Research, YOU MIGHT LEARN, and this is to you Bambie.

  12. Please someone confirm that this is not true
