Friday, December 08, 2017

How the Gardasil vaccine is fast-tracked, flawed & not as safe as it’s marketed to be...


Take the case of chicken pox, a mild infection. Before the current age of vaccines, chicken pox immunity among adults was regularly reinforced by the young around them who had the natural disease. In this way, elderly people, often susceptible to shingles, were protected from the painful and debilitating disease. This naturally acquired immunity is disappearing now that children are vaccinated for these mild childhood infections and everything else — even against influenza. Nature has it right, and a dose of a mild infectious disease makes us stronger.

In Australia today, penalties are strict and unforgiving for parents who do not choose to vaccinate their children.

Enrolment in childcare centres and kindergarten requires the federal vaccination schedule to be up to date. Certain government benefits are also withheld from parents who do not comply with this overburdened vaccination schedule.

Fear is a great motivator, and our media, at the behest of health departments and the pharmaceutical industry, have exploited the prospect of disease to such an extent that most of society thinks vaccines will prevent childhood disease and the rare death. Before the age of vaccines, there were around 10 cases of death from measles in Australia, and these sadly occurred in areas of poverty and disadvantage. Infectious disease deaths fell before widespread vaccination. Factors that resulted in reduced deaths were improved nutrition, sanitation, and hygiene. Full story...

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