Thursday, July 20, 2017

Cashless society alert: Visa will be giving up to $500,000 to restaurants that go ‘100% cashless’

The push toward a cashless society is becoming more of a shove. Before today I had never heard of “The Visa Cashless Challenge”, but after reading about it I have to say that I am quite alarmed. Visa is trying to “encourage” businesses to go cashless, and one of the ways that they will be doing this is by “awarding up to $500,000 to 50 eligible US-based small business food service owners who commit to joining the 100% cashless quest”. The food industry is still one of the last bastions where cash is used very heavily, and so it makes sense that Visa would want to target that segment. Of course the more people that use cards to pay for meals, the more money that Visa will make.

When I go to restaurants, I almost always use cash, and I know a lot of other people that very much prefer to use cash in those situations as well. But if Visa has their way, soon all of us will be forced to use some form of digital payment instead. The following is an excerpt from the press release that Visa issued about this new “challenge”…


Visa would love to eliminate the use of cash entirely because it would mean much bigger profits for them.

And of course cashless systems hold a lot of appeal for governments as well because such systems would allow them to monitor and track the behavior of their citizens much more closely. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. Cashless transactions a thing of past in Andra Pradesh...
  2. Australia seeks to remove $100 note from circulation...
  3. The countries where cash is on the verge of extinction...
  4. More people keeping cash outside banks...
  5. Why we should fear a cashless world...
  6. But who is the governments’ strongest ally in their War on Cash?

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