Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Former Fox boss Roger Ailes spent millions on ‘Black Room’ op to smear journalists...

It has not been a good summer for the brainchild behind the Fox News Channel.

Roger Ailes, the former CEO and co-founder of the conservative TV network who resigned last month after several sexual harassment allegations, now faces accusations of spending millions of Rupert Murdoch’s money to set up a ‘Black Room’ and take down his enemies, both personal and political.

The network’s $1 billion profits were also used to settle lawsuits brought by its employees.

Fox executives have since discovered that Ailes used his budget to target journalists reporting negatively about him, according to New York Magazine.

An operation based on the 14th floor of the News Corp building in New York City, which insiders branded the ‘Black Room’ five years ago, tracked the former CEO’s foes and developed smear campaigns against them, all with the help of private detectives, consultants, and political operatives who answered only to Ailes.

Gawker journalists, known for their “aggressive” reporting about him, were specifically targeted. Full story...

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