Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Death by guns vs death by vaccines...


Now, let’s take a look at deaths from vaccines!

No correlation, you say. I beg to differ and here’s why.

One type of death—gun—is targeted to be dealt with publicly, while the other—vaccine deaths—are totally disregarded and apparently considered ‘normal collateral damage’ necessary to protect ‘herd immunity’.

What’s wrong with such mental perceptions? Innocent lives are impacted by both types of deaths! What happens when it’s your child?

According to Page 5 of the HRSA Vaccine Payout Schedule [1], we see that 1,197 deaths from vaccines have been reported since October 1, 1988 to July 1, 2016. Granted, it’s not 30,000 per year but, if people are concerned about deaths perpetrated by others, shouldn’t there be more concern about vaccinees’ lives too?

And yet, seemingly, there’s no one in HHS, CDC, FDA or federal bureaucrats doing anything to expose the problems of vaccines causing deaths or even the fraudulent science that goes on in those agencies, especially at the CDC [2]. Something is tragically wrong! Full story...

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