Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Flu Flop: Another year of dangerous CDC lies...

Despite the fact that last year's (2014 to 2015) flu vaccine was a major flop with an abysmal 18 percent effectiveness rate, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publicly expressed unreserved confidence in this year’s (2015-2016) vaccine.

In September 2015, CDC Director Tom Frieden said in a news conference, "Get vaccinated … That's the best way to protect yourself, your family and your community against flu."1

A CDC analysis also was used to reassure the public that the most common strains of influenza virus circulating in the US and in other regions match the strains included in this year’s vaccine.2,3

That was in August 2015 and the “get vaccinated” advertisements have been out in full force – at airports, grocery stores, subways and more – telling Americans that the best way to prevent influenza and stay well during the flu season is by getting a flu shot.

It remains to be seen how effective (or ineffective) this year’s fl u vaccine will be, but in the meantime research has shown that much remains to be understood about the potential negative effects of frequent vaccination on human health. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. Surge in excess winter deaths blamed on ‘ineffective flu vaccines’
  2. Victory: Nurse fired for refusing flu shot wins lawsuit...
  3. Flu vaccine paradox spreading globally as more vaccinated people catch the flu...
  4. A 5-year-old girl just died of the very strain of flu she was vaccinated against...
  5. School expels child over vaccine that even the doctor refuses to give ...
  6. Last year’s flu vaccine killed and injured over 93,000 US citizens...

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