Sunday, September 06, 2015

TV host John Oliver has become America's social justice warrior...

Craig Watts has spent the better part of three decades trying to bring attention to the inequities between major agricultural companies and farmers like himself.

It's a battle that suddenly changed a few months ago.

"If you've got a problem and you want it fixed, call John Oliver," he said. "That's my theory now."

Watts was featured in a segment in May on Oliver's HBO show, "Last Week Tonight," that illustrated how the companies most associated with chicken in the U.S. take advantage of farmers. Since then, things haven't been quite the same.

"In 18 minutes, he did what we've been trying for 30 years to do and that is just reach a general, broader audience. The story that he told, I cannot tell you how hard that is to tell to someone that is not really familiar with it." Full story...

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