Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The decline of religion in the West...

David Cameron's attack on Islamic extremism at this month's Slovakia security conference included the charge that groups such as Islamic State believe "religious doctrine trumps the rule of law".

The phrase is revealing in a way the prime minister probably did not intend: it underlines how far the role of religion has been eroded in British life.

For most of our history, most people in this country would have taken it for granted that God's laws should trump those made by man - indeed they would have assumed that "religious doctrine" provided the proper basis for "the rule of law".

Take Magna Carta, which we have heard so much about recently.

In the Preamble, King John states that he is accepting limits to his power "having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honour of God and the advancement of his holy Church" and he acknowledges that he is acting on the advice of "our venerable fathers" the bishops. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. Teens are fleeing religion like never before...
  2. 'Jesus is a MYTH'
  3. Bill Burr: why I walked away from religion...
  4. Einstein: religion is "childish superstitions".
  5. Neil deGrasse Tyson - "Do you believe in god?"
  6. More than half of British people believe religion does more harm than good...
  7. US pastor gets mind blown in atheistic Europe!
  8. Stephen Hawking says 'there is no God,' confirms he's an atheist...

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