Saturday, June 06, 2015

Why I ditched my smartphone and you should too...

As a blogger and concerned citizen I try to put my money where my mouth is. I believe voting with my dollars is a way of life, therefore I do my best to only support companies, products, and people who I truly stand behind morally and politically. I came to an understanding long ago that the only way to get a point across criminal corporations is to affect their bottom line.

Over the last few months I have been having discussions with friends and family about getting rid of my smart phone and downgrading to a cheaper, less traceable flip phone. Sounds crazy, right? Most people think so, but at these critical times when everybody is distracted by their smartphones, a major social breakdown in society is happening . What used to be sounds of conversation, laughter and happiness surrounding us has been replaced by an eerie silence only filled with email and text alerts. We have become slaves to our devices, almost never looking up in fear of missing something from our glowing screens that continues to sell us propaganda and unhappiness for pennies on the dollar. Most acknowledgements like “Hello” or “How are you” are returned with dirty stares and confusion from people forced to look up from their personal enslavement devices.

So this really got me to start thinking “why am I paying a AT&T to spy on me?” I give them $110.00 a month for access to my own personal information, but what am I getting out of this deal? This is the question I often asked myself. I carry around a big brother tracking device that sends everything I do to EVERY alphabet agency on the planet, and ANY corporation that would pay a dime for my psychological profile and buying habits. You may be thinking, like a lot of people, “well if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t care.” Well I have everything to hide and I do care, and so should you. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. Key of Awesome and "Look at your phone"
  2. Why I refuse to let technology control me...
  3. Look up: smartphones and dumb people...
  4. Why you should put down your smartphone and talk to strangers...
  5. I forgot my phone...
  6. Put your phone down...

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