Friday, September 26, 2014

Healthy 12-year-old girl dies shortly after receiving HPV vaccine...

Another young girl has died from Gardasil, the infamous HPV vaccine manufactured by Merck & Co., and the medical establishment claims that it was a fluke. Twelve-year-old Meredith Prohaska from Waukesha, Wisconsin, died just a few hours after getting her Gardasil shot, and her parents are sure that the vaccine was the cause of death.

According to, Meredith was an otherwise healthy, fun-loving girl prior to her death. She did have a sore throat the day that she died, which is why her parents took her to the doctor in the first place. But it was a minor ailment that, in light of the events of that fateful day, couldn't possibly have killed her that quickly or coincidentally.

Reports indicate that Meredith's parents took her to the doctor during the morning hours of August 7. Around 10:30 am, she received her first HPV vaccine, which about 30 minutes later appeared to lull her into a deep sleep. Meredith's mother Rebecca recalls having had to repeatedly wake her up so she could make it through the day.

Later that afternoon at around 3:30 pm, Rebecca left the house for about 30 minutes to get some food. When she returned, she found her daughter lying on the floor unconscious, upon which she initiated CPR -- Rebecca served as an EMT (emergency medical technician) for the National Guard for 14 years, so she knew what she was doing. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. HPV vaccine blamed for mystery illness among girls in Colombia...
  2. 15 Syrian children dead following UN measles vaccination campaign...
  3. 60 lab studies now confirm cancer link to a vaccine you probably had as a child...
  4. US girls "dropping dead" from Gardasil HPV vaccine...
  5. Story of a young girl crippled by a vaccine (video)
  6. The HPV vaccine. Ashley Ryburn tells her story. Terribly sad...
  7. 3 girls dead, others hospitalized after Gardasil HPV vaccine... 

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