Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Egypt fatwa bans online chats between sexes...

Egypt’s top Islamic authority has prohibited online chat between unrelated men and women, triggering a big controversy in the country.

The Dar Al Ifta, Egypt’s official body in charge of advising Muslims on spiritual matters, said in the fatwa (a religious edict) that such chats are religiously impermissible “because they are one of the tools of the devil and a way for spreading discord and corruption.”

The institution also said that a woman should not send her photo to strangers to “protect herself and preserve her dignity”. It added that there is evidence of “moral deviants” who misused women’s photos to malign them.

The fatwa, released on Friday, was issued in response to a question from a Muslim on Islam’s opinion on online chats, according to the state-run institution.

“From the religious point of view, this fatwa is sound,” said Abdul Hamid Al Attrash, a senior cleric at Al Azhar, Egypt’s prestigious institution of Sunni Islam. “Chats between a boy and a girl who are strange to each other is prohibited because this opens the door to the devil and leads to illicit relations that are harmful to society. It is necessary to comply with this fatwa.”

Not everyone is in agreement with the edict, though. Full story...

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