Thursday, February 06, 2014

Report makes legal case for war crimes charges against Sri Lanka...


While both sides had committed atrocities, the evidence indicates "members of the Sri Lankan Security Forces perpetrated the vast majority of alleged crimes", the many report found.

It supported earlier claims that government forces had conducted "indiscriminate artillery bombardment of areas of known civilian concentrations", including many people sheltering in No Fire Zones which the government had pledged not to attack. One aid worker told the investigators how young mothers and their children were massacred in one shell attack as they queued for milk powder. "There were dead bodies everywhere. I remember seeing a pregnant woman lying on the ground with a fetus coming out of her.

"We registered approximately 78 people as dead on this occasion including 38 children," the aid worker said.

Similar attacks on Karaiamullivaikkal, Vellamullivaikkal and a third No Fire Zone may amount to war crimes of attacking civilians and causing excessive "incidental civilian losses", the report said. It rejected Sri Lankan Army claims that the attacks had been driven by military imperatives and questioned why it had designated No Fire Zones in areas where Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam [LTTE] fighters were known to be. Full story...

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