Sunday, October 06, 2013

Vaccine-refusing parents falsely blamed for whooping cough epidemic...

However, there is much much more they are not telling you...

They can't explain why whooping cough is back with a vengeance despite the most vaccinated populace ever known, why the DTaP-vaccinated are getting sick with it, or why "herd immunity" is falling apart. Forget it, let's place all the blame on the few people who refuse vaccines - and call them baby killers.


The researchers are taking data from geographical clusters of outbreaks in California neighborhoods where more people filed personal belief exemptions. Basically, people in those areas with more exemptions were 2.5 times more likely to live in areas with whooping cough outbreaks. They did not follow up on those exemptions to see if the parents later had themselves or their children vaccinated, and they did not see if the people who contracted it were actually vaccinated individuals. They simply used geographic clusters and drew a conclusion based on 39 clusters of high vaccine exemptions and 2 clusters of pertussis in 2010. The media took it further and wider in scope saying the unvaccinated are definitely a major factor - which differs significantly from a headline of outright blame. What a stretch! The other factors in the study, briefly mentioned towards the end of some of the articles, were; "the cyclical nature of pertussis, improved diagnosis, and waning immunity." The major factor, brushed under the rug involves vaccination itself and newer vaccines as you will see. Full story...

Related posts:
  1. 22 medical studies show that vaccines can cause autism...
  2. Vaccines kill...
  3. Take this vaccine or die within 3 days...
  4. The tricks played to get you to vaccinate your child...
  5. Dr. Andrew Wakefield blasts measles- and autism-causing MMR vaccine...

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