Thursday, August 15, 2013

McAfee anti-virus company caught in malicious defamation of innocent websites...

The McAfee anti-virus and security company is currently engaged in a malicious, slanderous defamation campaign against Natural News. Although the Natural News website contains no malicious code whatsoever (and has passed numerous security scans with a clean bill of health), it is being flagged by McAfee as a "malicious" website that "poses especially hazardous risks to a user's computer security." (See screen shots below.)

The McAfee Site Advisor website claims, about, "We tested it and found security risks. Beware."

These claims by McAfee are utterly false and highly defamatory. By spreading this information through its downloadable browser tools, McAfee is severely harming the reputation and web traffic of Natural News while misleading potentially millions of users about a website that they find to be highly informative, reputable and completely free of security risks.

UPDATE: McAfee contacted us and explained that if we paid them $38,000, they would certify our website and "take care" of the red reputation rankings. In a second conversation, they told us that if we made the decision to go with them TODAY, they would reduce the fee to just $32,000. Feeling forced into having our website reputation destroyed if we did not pay, we paid McAfee $32,000, which we consider an "extortion fee." Magically, within minutes, all the red flags on our website were lifted and Natural News is no longer being blocked by McAfee. This cost us $32,000!!!

We have already begun to consult with our attorneys concerning possible legal against McAfee for this vicious and harmful defamation of one of the internet's most highly-trafficked websites (Natural News). In the mean time, we need your help to help restore the Natural News reputation. Full story...

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