Thursday, February 09, 2012

Barack Obama to America’s Catholics: I am your God now...

The nation’s considerable Catholic population is stunned at the dramatic over-reach exhibited by the Obama administration in its declaration that Catholics are to ignore religious conviction and First Amendment rights in favor of governmental authority.

For a president who so often cites his concern over the health and well being of Americans to attack an institution so vital to the care of the nation’s indigent is both troubling and from a political viewpoint – downright confusing. Either the administration is once again displaying a near all consuming inability to govern with measured competence, or it has immersed itself entirely in the waters of its own arrogant self-importance. How else do you explain their decision to mandate to American Catholics to suspend religious belief regarding contraception and sterilization and simply “follow orders”.

Even MSNBC’s notoriously left-leaning political pundit Mika Brzezinski admitted President Obama had “overstepped” his authority. Catholic leaders throughout America are now slamming the administration – and calling upon the millions of Catholics in the country to do the same. Peggy Noonan wrote in a weekend Wall Street Journal column that Obama has now initiated a battle he has no way of winning – that the administration’s seeming attack on Catholic charities was far worse then GOP rival Mitt Romney’s somewhat out-of-context statement that he was not so concerned about America’s “very poor” but rather its middle class. Full story...

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