Sunday, November 13, 2011

7 elephants now thrashing your living-room...


These are just 7 of these things. There is an entire herd of elephants running around the whole human household with more roaming through each day! The extent to which humanity is being massively manipulated can be overwhelming at first, but it's actually quite liberating once you get through most of the maze and start to "get it".

But this is real education. The other is predominantly programming your mind to accept a predetermined version of reality that they would like you to have.


The only place to turn is OFF. Turn it all off. Get your real life back. Read, play, love those around you, laugh, visit inspiring and revelatory alternative internet sites while they're still available. Spend time in nature. Just get away from televisions and any form of mass media. Have you noticed how TVs are constantly playing in just about every lobby, restaurant, lounge, terminal etc., and people leave them on at home just for companionship?

Big Brother wants your attention. Don't give it to him.

 And be careful as to what music you listen to. I cringe when I see young people with their earbuds in and a strange stare on their faces or slumped over in obvious depression. I can only imagine what rubbish their subjecting themselves to thinking it's cool or OK cuz it's some famous group or something iTunes is pushing. Music is programming, either good or bad. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. The " war on drugs" is a war on our consciousness...
  2. 9/11, a conspiracy theory...
  3. 9/11 and the twin towers: an occult masonic ritual?
  4. Here comes Obama's Youth Corps...
  5. The inexplicable war on lemonade stands...
  6. How Hollywood programs us to ignore the ‘men behind the curtain’
  7. US drones kill 146 people in two days in Somalia...

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