Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in China's Zhengzhou...

innocent children learning the function and geography naughty bits? An unnamed kindergarten in the Henan capital of Zhengzhou has managed to transcend traditionally retrograde attitudes on sex education, having reportedly taught 4 and 5-year-old children sex-ed since 2008.

A recent typical exchange at the school included a new student asking if babies fell from the sky and then grew in the earth, only for another girl to raise her hand and tell the class the truth: "Daddy's sperm finds mommy's egg, and then a baby grows inside mommy's stomach!"

The teacher, surnamed Hou (δΎ―), then asked the class how sperm swims to find the egg, with her students replying by clasping their hands together and moving them in a side-to-side tadpole-like swimming motion. Other facts of life are also explained as part of the class, including the names and functions of male and female genitalia, and the inevitability of pubic hair. More + photos...

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