Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Guardian says ‘told you so’ a decade after 9/11...

AS THE 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the Guardian newspaper, which came in for some heavy criticism for its liberal stance in the aftermath of the attacks, has launched an extraordinary attack on its detractors and proudly declared that much of what it said at the time has turned out to be true.

In a tub-thumping article for his paper, Seumas Milne, who was the Guardian's comment editor at the time, rails against those who lambasted the paper and performs the journalistic equivalent of sticking his tongue out and telling them "told you so".

 The Guardian, he announces, was one of the few that was brave enough to question the knee-jerk demands for vengeance in the days after 9/11. "We gave space to those who were against it and realised the war on terror would fail, bringing horror and bloodshed to millions in the process," he proudly states. "The paper gave rein to the pluralism that most media gatekeepers claim to favour in principle, but struggle to put into practice." More...

Don't miss:
  1. Ten years after 9/11, more Americans now prefer freedom to security...
  2. The true threat is not a super-villain skulking in the desert...
  3. The CIA has become "one hell of a killing machine..."
  4. The United Loony Bin Of America...
  5. The persecution of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh...
  6. One in seven believe U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks...

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