Thursday, September 08, 2011

Gagging us softly: free speech under threat in the West...


In such a climate, time-honored national characteristics are easily extinguished. A generation ago, even Britain’s polytechnic Trots and Marxists were sufficiently residually English to feel the industrial-scale snitching by family and friends that went on in Communist Eastern Europe was not quite cricket, old boy. Now England is Little Stasi-on-Avon, a land where, even if you’re well out of earshot of the gay-outreach officer, an infelicitous remark in the presence of a co-worker or even co-playmate is more than sufficient. Fourteen-year-old Codie Stott asked her teacher at Harrop Fold High School whether she could sit with another group to do her science project as in hers the other five pupils spoke Urdu and she didn’t understand what they were saying. The teacher called the police, who took her to the station, photographed her, fingerprinted her, took DNA samples, removed her jewelry and shoelaces, put her in a cell for three and a half hours, and questioned her on suspicion of committing a Section Five “racial public-order offence.” “An allegation of a serious nature was made concerning a racially motivated remark,” declared the headmaster, Antony Edkins. The school would “not stand for racism in any form.” In a statement, Greater Manchester Police said they took “hate crime” very seriously, and their treatment of Miss Stott was in line with “normal procedure.” Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Steve Hughes on political correctness ...
  2. Political correctness when it comes to black-on-white killings?
  3. Holocaust denial and uncomfortable truths...
  4. 3-year-olds being labelled bigots by teachers as 250,000 children accused of racism!!!
  5. Why doesn't the Islamic world speak up about China's Uighurs? 
  6. Booing is a form of racism, says French soccer coach...
  7. You could be a paedophile for taking photos of your own son!!! WTF!
  8. Parents branded pedophiles for taking photos of their kids in bathtub!!!

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