Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sex swami Nithyananda's levitation flop show...

Don't miss:
  1. Swami Nithyananda implicated in serious video sex scandal... 
  2. Chilean twins create amazing levitation illusion...
  3. Princess Inca from Peru levitating... 
  4. 'Godman' nabbed in India with six women...
  5. "Godman" in India "cures" children by trampling on them!!!
  6. Exposing India's fake god-men and gurus...
  7. The Great Tantra Crap...

1 comment:

  1. RATHER THAN BLINDLY BELIEVING AND BEEN MISGUIDED BY THE MEDIA AND JOURNALS..GUYS CHECK THIS OUT FOR YOURSELVES.MYSTICAL and yet SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS of the effect on the brain and its waves when KUNDALINI is awakened.Watch the video to get an INSIGHT into the most phenomenal scientific description and details.
