Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Singapore tops the world when it comes to internet snooping, reveals Google...

Authorities in Britain are more likely to request details about internet users than in any other country, according to Google.

A report by the search engine website reveals that law enforcement officials and government agencies made 1,162 separate requests for data from the company in just six months.

When population sizes are taken into account, the figure puts Britain second in a table of 26 developed countries.

Singapore - which has been condemned by human rights groups for its authoritarian regime - topped the table while Australia came third with 345 requests and France came fourth with 1,021 requests. The U.S. was fifth in the table with 4,601 requests for information in the second half of last year. More...

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  2. Press freedom: Alan Shadrake and the Singapore grip...
  3. Anything you've EVER said on the internet could be used against you...
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  5. 10 ways we are being tracked, traced and data-based... 

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