Wednesday, June 22, 2011

British prof updates phone booth with Skype!!!

The phone booth is such a classic icon, not only used by Clark Kent to change into his Superman outfit in, or to film the movie, or to take photos with, but has also been one of the more iconic “structures” that people would use to identify with Britain. In a fusion of the old and the new, Prof. Michael Shaughnessy decided to convert the phone booth into something a little more modern than its predecessor by integrating Skype into it.

Those of the younger generation probably never had the need to use a phone booth before what with 10 year old these days getting their own cell phones so why not bring the phone booth up to speed with a modern twist, making the phone booth “cool” once more? More...

Don't miss:
  1. 'Skype School' brings knowledge to remote Indian village...
  2. iPads replacing note pads as Asian schools go high-tech...
  3. So why did Microsoft buy Skype?
  4. China makes Skype illegal... 

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