Monday, May 23, 2011

Every six hours, the NSA gathers as much data as is stored in the entire Library of Congress...

The National Security Agency is, by nature, an extreme example of the e-hoarder. And as the governmental organization responsible for things like, say, gathering intelligence on such Persons of Interest as Osama bin Laden, that impulse makes sense--though once you hear the specifics, it still seems pretty incredible. In a story about the bin Laden mission, the NSA very casually dropped a number: Every six hours, the agency collects as much data as is stored in the entire Library of Congress. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The NSA helped make Windows 7...
  2. The NSA spies on innocent Americans... Is that supposed to be a surprise?
  3. Smartphones: The tracking and surveillance of millions of Americans...
  4. 10 ways the police state is tracking us...
  5. How Big Brother government is watching your every move...
  6. Secret human RFID implanting how and why (video) 

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