Saturday, February 26, 2011

To the people of the Middle East: Fight for freedom, not democracy...

Over the last month or so, people have been throwing off, or trying to throw off, the shackles of their oppressive governments. It started in Tunisia, spread to Egypt, then Yemen, Bahrain, and now Libya. In every instance, though, the protestors have been calling for democracy. I suppose that's understandable; the grass on democracy's side of the fence probably looks and probably is a lot greener than that on the dictatorial side. I'm probably underselling democracy with that statement. After all, democracy is often held out as the gold standard for (good) government. Winston Churchill endorsed it, saying, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others." Despite the actual wording, when reading or hearing Churchill's statement, people often "hear" that democracy is the best form of government. In reality, we can rightly infer from the statement that all forms of government are terrible. In Churchill's opinion, democracy is just the least terrible. More...

Don't miss:
  1. Egypt’s empty revolution...
  2. The Democracy Bullshit (Must Read) 
  3. Kill Socrates or Democracy, the tyranny of the masses... 
  4. Arundhati Roy: Pity the nation that needs to jail those who ask for justice...
  5. Clown gets elected to Congress in Brazil!!!
  6. Berlusconi again puts up starlets as election candidates!
  7. I Don't Vote, says George Carlin... 

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