Monday, February 07, 2011

Oxford University students secretly served Muslim halal meat...


Students yesterday (Mon) expressed outrage their food had been halal prepared without their knowledge.

A Brasenose undergraduate said: ”It’s absolutely outrageous. We eat our food on good faith the animal has not undergone undue suffering.

”This is a huge deception, whatever your religious views people have a right to know where their food came from.

”Muslims would expect to be informed if the food on offer was not halal, it is only right for non-Muslims to be treated with the same courtesy.” Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Britain goes halal, but no-one tells the public...
  2. Halal sex-shop for Muslims opens in Holland...
  3. Caned schoolboy's pork lunch sparks religious controversy in Malaysia...
  4. BBC uncovers Sharia 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to hack off thieves' hands... 

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