Thursday, February 17, 2011

British cabinet office collaborates with French brainwashing guru to change the way we think...

On 3 January 2011, following the UK Column's lead article exposing insider dealing between the Cabinet office and political behavioural training charity Common Purpose, the Independent newspaper revealed that David Cameron had also set up a Cabinet Office Behavioural Insight Team. Formed in July last year, the secretive cell is tasked to "dream up psychological tricks to alter our behaviour" - and on a massive scale.

The Independent article warned how the public is to be reframed or “nudged” into politically acceptable "Social Norms"; starting with healthy eating, voluntary work and tax gathering. While this may seem innocent to some people, these early ‘soft’ targets are already being greatly expanded to include wider central government ideological and political agendas, including Cameron's socialist straitjacket of the Big Society. Elite multi-millionaire Socialist and Tory Chancellor George Osborne has already signed up to Behavioural Economics - another form of mental reframing of individuals and groups, specifically to achieve political economic objectives. Their theory and intent is, that once mentally retrained, we “willingly rush to pay excessive taxes”. More...

Don't miss:
  1. "I am an Obama scholar..." Affirmations or brain-washing?
  2. Subliminal sex messages and pornography in advertising and cartoons?
  3. Manipulating children into becoming nagging consumers... 
  4. The deliberate dumbing down of America...
  5. The Oscars are a propaganda con, says John Pilger...
  6. "Illuminati" symbols in Hollywood movies: coincidence or manipulation? 

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