Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gender Jihad: women in Saudi Arabia...


Saudi Arabia. Where women cannot drive, vote or leave the house without a niqaab. Saudi Arabia. Where women cannot visit a doctor, travel, go to university, work or leave their homes without the expressed consent of their male guardian. Saudi Arabia. Ranking 130th out of 134 countries for gender parity. Saudi Arabia. Where Saudi UN officials defend polygamy by saying it’s required to help satisfy the sexual urges of men. Saudi Arabia. Where there are no laws protecting against child marriage and where rape victims are routinely punished for being alone with a man and charged as adulterers. Saudi Arabia. Home to Islam’s most holiest sites, the birthplace of the Prophet, and the main source of petrol-funded, political Islam. Full story...

Don't miss:
  1. Saudi women and abusive fathers...
  2. Saudi father kills Facebook daughter...
  3. Saudi Arabia's betrayal to the Islamic world...
  4. Muslim rocker on his 'jihad' against extremists...
  5. Young Muslims, punk music and “The Taqwacores..."

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