Saturday, October 02, 2010

A journey to unschooling...

Unschooling is a term that John Holt coined in the 70s, after years of extensive research regarding how children learn and what was causing them to fail. He determined that totalitarian school pushes many children to fail via a fear inducing sub-society, where school as structured seemed to slow the learning process in most children.

One of his strongest beliefs was that children did not need to be forced into learning, that they are always learning, yet anything that resembled the rigid structure of school was actually counterproductive to their success. The theory has resonated, thus unschooling, or life-learning led by the child's interests, was born. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The parents that unschool their children...
  2. American schools try out Singapore math...
  3. Education is killing children's creativity...
  4. Stupid in America, a look at American public schools...
  5. The Hole in the Wall, or how kids teach themselves...

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