Thursday, September 09, 2010

Google Instant will read your mind ... almost!!!

When Google CEO Eric Schmidt gave a keynote address at the IFA show in Berlin yesterday, he talked about “a new definition of Google.” As I watched the Webcast, I was struck by the phrase–how often does an enterprise as vast and successful as Google want to redefine itself?–and listened closely to what that new definition involved.

“We’re trying very hard to get you something fast,” Schmidt said. “Never underestimate the power of fast. Quick, quick, quick–we want to help you right now.” Later in the speech, he also spoke of Google understanding what users want before they’ve even asked for it, in almost psychic-like fashion: “We can understand things like what you really meant.” More...

Don't miss:

  1. The home phone is back!
  2. Google is sneaking into every corner of our lives...
  3. Microsoft's Street Slide challenges Google Street View...
  4. India launches Bhuvan, rival to Google Earth...

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