Monday, July 26, 2010

Two years jail for Scot who ripped off Muslim woman's burqa...

A man who ripped off a Muslim woman's religious veil and threw it on the ground has been jailed for two years.

William Baikie grabbed the religious covering, known as a hijab, from 26-year-old Anwar Alqahtani as she walked to get a train from Glasgow's Central Station.

Miss Alqahtani, who wears the hijab to protect her modesty as part of her religion, had to use another piece of clothing to cover her face after the veil was ripped as Baikie pulled it from her.

Baikie, 26, ran off after the attack but was later arrested by police after being identified through CCTV. More...

Don't miss:

  1. This is not my mask, says Australian Muslim woman...
  2. The Marwa Al Sherbini murder in Germany...
  3. 'I have to keep her indoors now'
  4. Muslim drivers in Britain refuse guide dogs into buses...
  5. Swimming pool windows blacked out 'to protect Muslim women's modesty!!!'

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