Thursday, July 01, 2010

Most people will refuse to pay for online news...

The emergence of ‘freesheets’, such as City AM  or Metro, over the last few years has provided yet another challenge to the beleaguered ‘traditional newspaper’ business model. A YouGov SixthSense report into UK media consumption habits has found that the majority of UK adults are willing to continue paying for traditional newspapers, in stark contrast with their apparent unwillingness to pay for online newspaper content.

The report found that 60% of UK adults think that it is worth paying for a ‘good newspaper’. While 18% of the respondents cannot see the point of paying for a newspaper, nearly half (44%) prefer paying for a newspaper because ‘the free ones haven’t got as much real content’. Half of the respondents seem not to trust free papers as much, agreeing that the quality of a publication is reflected by the amount paid, although 38% of respondents believe that traditional newspapers are currently too expensive. More... 

Don't miss:

  1. Are the days of free online journals numbered?
  2. We won't charge for online news, says BBC...
  3. Obama: online news doesn't come free...
  4. Murdoch on-line papers will charge a fee from 2010...
  5. 70% oppose internet ban for filesharers...
  6. If you're not online these days you're a second-class citizen...

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