Sunday, July 18, 2010

Israel turns against its own...

Those who read history will likely know that revolutionary regimes often go through periods when they turn on their own countrymen. The French did this during their revolutionary Terror, the Americans did it early on with the Alien and Sedition Acts and later with the McCarthy hearings, the Russians turned against millions of their own citizens under Stalin and the Fascists, in their myriad manifestations, did the same with their equal gusto. Presently, the Iranians seem to be walking down this same road.

Periodically the Zionists, who are their own brand of revolutionaries, have also turned on their own. Before Israel was founded Lehi, or the Stern Gang, would on occasion assassinate rival Zionists. This was a violent legacy that did not pass away with the founding of the state and, in November, 1995, Yigal Amir assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. In the meantime Jews both inside and outside of Israel who did not adhere to the official party line were isolated, slandered and otherwise pressured into silence. This started quite early with the marginalizing of men like Judah Magnes and persisted in the form of an on-going witch hunt against "self-hating" Jews. The Zionists have made this sort of self-mutilation into a real art. More...

Don't miss:

  1. "I am asking all Israelis to be outraged, so that...
  2.  Yes, the Jews were once victims, but they too...
  3. Time to sober up, Israel!
  4. The world is tired of us, says Israeli minister...
  5. Israel's greatest loss: its moral imagination...
  6. Finkelstein : "Israel has become a lunatic state..."

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