Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The doctor who wanted to tickle the legs of under-age girls...

A casualty doctor who tried to lure two primary schoolgirls into a car has been warned he could face a life sentence after a judge condemned "the predatory nature" of his crime.

Lord Hardie called for the preparation of a full risk assessment report which can lead to the making of an Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) - a sentence reserved for the most serious sex offences and crimes of violence other than murder.

Leslie Mitchell, 56, approached the girls, aged 10 and 11, as they were returning home from school and attempted to entice them into the vehicle. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Doctor banned for performing bizarre sex tests...
  2. Doctor accused of masturbating in front of schoolgirls!!!
  3. The family doctor and his 90,000 child porn images...
  4. Breast-groping, bum-caressing doctor is struck off!!!
  5. The Taoist guru that lured teen into sex...
  6. Vicar possessed 2000 porn images of children...

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