Friday, May 21, 2010

Why are American doctors mutilating girls? FGM in question...

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently put forward a proposal on female genital mutilation. They would like that American doctors be given permission to perform a ceremonial pinprick or “nick” on girls born into communities that practice female genital mutilation.

Female circumcision is a custom in many African and Asian countries whereby the genitals of a girl child are cut. There are roughly four procedures. First there is the ritual pinprick. This is what Pediatrics refers to as the “nick” option. To give you an idea of what that means, visualize a preteen girl held down by adults. Her clitoris is tweaked so that the circumcizer can hold it between her forefinger and her thumb. Then she takes a needle and pierces it using enough force for it to go into the peak of the clitoris. As soon as it bleeds, the parents and others attending the ceremony cheer, the girl is comforted and the celebrations follow. More...

Don't miss:

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends FGM!!!
  2. Female genetic mutilation (FGM) in Africa (graphic)
  3. The horrors of female genital mutilation...
  4. Female genital mutilation still rife in Egypt...
  5. 37 boys in South Africa perish in circumcision rites...

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